Sabine Gabrielle Vogel facepainting her model
Unknown Artists and Model, sorry.
Bela Volen giving the final touches to her model
Done - model of Bela Volen
Done, Jelena Velicko, Assistant and Model Valentina
Memeber of the 'Art Color Ballet'
Anna Pogodzinska's model of the 'Art Color Ballet'
Model of Bela Volen presenting himself in the photoarea
Mieke van Gompel model presenting herself in the photoarea
Model of Petra and Peter Tronser
Ilze Merpole's model 'Ferrari' giving a great presentation
Another great presentation of model Mott Leonino painted by Choi Scooter
Model Valentina presenting Jelena Velicko's great art work
The duett model of Bert and Linda Verstappen
Bert and Linda Verstappen
Montri Wadla-Iad's Trio models provide an entertaining presentation