Model of Gabi von der Linnepe cooling off
Model of Gabi von der Linnepe cooling off
2006 art art history body painting bodypainting festival körperbemalung kunst performance performing art wbf 2006
Einat Dan with Model
2006 art art history body painting bodypainting festival körperbemalung kunst performance performing art wbf 2006
Anna Pogodzinska painting herself
2006 art art history body painting bodypainting festival körperbemalung kunst performance performing art wbf 2006
Alfred Baranyay and Model
2006 art art history body painting bodypainting festival körperbemalung kunst performance performing art wbf 2006
Mieke van Gompel and Model
2006 art art history body painting bodypainting festival körperbemalung kunst performance performing art wbf 2006
Alex Berendregt, Manuela Methner and Brant Kingman
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Sabine Gabrielle Vogel with Model and Friend
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Winner of Body Circus Contest
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Model of the Fantasie-Styling presentation from the International Stylist School of Riga, Latvia
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Models of the Fantasie-Styling presentation from the International Stylist School of Riga, Latvia
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Welcome, Bienvenue to 'Body Circus' at Burg Sommeregg
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Model of the Fantasie-Styling presentation from the International Stylist School of Riga, Latvia
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Dancer at the Body Circus Party
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
some funloving party goers
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Party time at burg Sommeregg
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Mrs. and Mr. Hell
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Kara our companion and friend
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Time is up for Kara
2006 body circus body painting bodypainting building burg burg sommeregg festival fortress körperbemalung wbf 2006
Artists Bela Volen and Brant Kingman preparing for the 'Body Circus'
2006 bela volen body circus body painting bodypainting brant kingman festival körperbemalung wbf 2006